A tear duct surgery is a type of surgery done to create a new tear drain between your eyes and nose. You may need this surgery if your own tear duct has become blocked. Our dedicated team are on ground, in Nigeria to ensure you don’t have to be teary eyed, contact us in Abuja to schedule an appointment for an eyelid and tear duct surgery. Tears are important to the human eye. They keep the eye moist and clean, washing out any foreign particles that could damage or irritate the eye.
Tears are produced in a gland called the lacrimal gland, located under the upper eyelid. When the eye is irritated excess tears are produced. People are not always aware of the eye irritation, but instead may notice the excess production of tears.
Excessive tearing is one of the most common types of lacrimal system disorders. It is typically caused when the lacrimal gland ducts become clogged, this then causes the tears to overflow rather than being washed away. One way to end this is to undergo an eyelid and tear duct surgery.
Before Tear Duct Blockage Surgery, our ophthalmologist will do an eye exam to determine the existence of a blocked tear duct and not another eye problem that could cause similar symptoms.
A DCR is a treatment procedure and surgery which relieves one of excessive tearing. DCR is a one day procedure, the operation usually takes about one hour. DCR is a type of surgery that is used to treat blocked tear ducts in adults. It creates a new passageway between the tear duct sac and the nose, bypassing the blockage and allowing tears to drain normally again.
Our dedicated team are on ground, in Nigeria to ensure a successful tear duct surgery. You don’t have to be teary eyed, contact us in Abuja to schedule an appointment for an eyelid and tear duct surgery.